Friday, September 28, 2007

September 30 Toast to Michael Jackson

Friday September 28: I'm posting this from Columbia, Missouri where I am four brewery posts behind. I want to remind all my kind readers that there will be a Worldwide Toast to Michael Jackson on Sunday, September 30 at 9:00 pm EST / 6:00 pm PST. Many brewpubs, taverns and breweries are taking part with charity events.

Click here to read about the Toast, and find out where local events will be held. There is a scroll-down list in the right column at this link. At the bottom of the page of this link are comments where establishments also list themselves.

To add your public toast to the scroll-down list, the website asks you to "Post your local toast on Upcoming; add the "MJBeerHunter" tag to have it distributed here."

I apologize for getting behind in my posts: I did not have Internet access in St. Louis. Today I pick up my husband Jon at the Kansas City airport to join my family for a weekend Memorial Celebration in honor of my beloved Father-in-Law, Ken Graber, so if I don't get completely caught up on posts right away, please check back.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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