Monday, June 25, 2007

American Homebrewers Assn Conference Banquet

"Wherever your journey takes you, there are new gods waiting there, with divine patience and laughter." ~Susan M. Watkins

June 23: Happy day! I got to meet up with my husband, Jon Graber (photo at left), at the AHA Conference Banquet in Denver, Colorado.

Met up with fellow Eugeneans and Cascade Brewer Society homebrew club members Brandt Weaver and Denny Conn (photo at right).

Met up with lots of other beer industry luminaries like Charlie Papazian (photo below).

Jon made me wear my pink rubber boots to the dinner. He even washed the brewery grime from them for me. I attempted to be fashionable with a matching pink and black skirt. Denny Conn tried to improve my outfit by giving me some red Mardi Gras beads with three small rubber chickens hanging from it. The rubber chicken necklaces seemed to be the fashion du jour.

The dinner was excellent, the awards ceremony was fun and casual, the prizes for the winners were generous, and everybody had a dang good time.

Next year's conference will be in Cinncinnati. If you're a home brewer - don't miss it! You never know who you'll meet. In 1988 I was a homebrewer and attended the AHA conference. I met Charlie Papazian, Michael Jackson, and a few professional brewers. It was there that I decided to go Pro myself. The rest, as they say, is history.

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